

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's been a lot of fun watching Misha these past few months and his social abilities develop. He is expressing his wants really well. He is really good at expressing his dislikes as well. He has even picked up "I don't love you" from Boba. Baba Liza brought over from her last trip a computer animated cartoon series from Russia which is much better quality than they have had in the past. Misha loves it and asks to watch it almost every day. And he sits there and laughs hysterically at it every time. He also lets you know when he is "very, very tired." I think that phrase comes from Mom.

He transitioned to the district autism program. They changed his initial diagnosis from developmentally delayed to autism spectrum so he would qualify for the services (according to the district psychiatrist, he tests within the spectrum). This is good because the autism programs tend to have a really well-structured program that helps a lot with Misha's attention span. His canned response on what he did in school today is expanding too. He will mention some things he did instead of the traditional "I played." or "Fun" responses.

With Boba transitioning into Primary from Nursery, we figured it was time to move Misha out too. It will be interesting to see how he does this year. I know he can handle it as he goes to school full day, but will he enjoy it...or will he benefit from it. We'll see.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Haven't had much to say, that's why.

Yah, I know. I haven't blogged much. Been busy. Summer know. Ira was taking ESL classes this summer, so I played Mr. Mom whilst she conjugated verbs and played around with past perfective participles or whatever they are. We've been camping a couple of times, been to Ira's friend's cabin a couple of times, but not much else.

When I started my job in March, I knew that it was going to be tough to meet my financial goals...or even keep at the level we were are when we were laid off mainly cause I had taken a 5-6% hit. We managed to bank most of my severance and also the consulting I did. But it wasn't enough. My goals are simple really: Pay the bills, pay the mortgage, pay tithing, put money away, take the wife to dinner. Not big goals. It wasn't long til I came to the understanding that something was going to have to change. So I started interviewing again. If someone wanted to torture me, all they would have to do is make me do interviews. We hates them, we does.

So about 6 weeks ago, I interviewed at a well known place in the valley. My immediate feedback from the interview was really positive. I was quite hopeful of getting an offer...and I waited. Waited. Waited. Finally my source there told me that the senior management had decided to go with the "other guy". I was disappointed but that's life. I know I do not interview well.

So time did some more interviews. A couple of weeks ago Friday, my source chatted me and told me I should be expecting some good news. And good news it was. I got an offer which was beyond my expectations and I decided to go with it. What I found was that my old work didn't want to let me go. But I kept with my decision after some internal wrestling. So off I go.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, after a couple of long months being unemployed, I finally landed. It's a well established company that has been around since the 50s. Here's a hint. It has something to do with cows. Yes, I said cows. Also banking. But not banking far as I know. I also am busy in the evenings doing contract work for one of my old company's clients that was left unhappy with the previous contractors.

Ira is as busy as ever and finally decided that home schooling was more work than she wanted to deal with, which interestingly enough coincided with me going back to work and the end of her vacation from it all. It's about time.

Misha is talking up a storm. He is learning to speak sentences instead of phrases and at school they are working on him saying things in 1st person, not 3rd person.

Boba has finally stopped getting up before 6:30, but that doesn't matter cause I get up before then anyway. While I was on a call the other day, Boba babysat Misha cause Ira had to run the kids and baba around.

Other than that life is calm. Very, very calm. And that is good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Me in Sydney. Spent 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and 2 after consulting onsite at a client.
Me at the Opera House right outside the Royal Botanical Gardens.

Palm and Christmas trees side by ain't right.

This is much better. A 3 story tree in a department store.
Went to the zoo one weekend. We thought these were fake until I saw one move.
A view of my work and hotel from the Sydney Tower. I worked in the building second from the right. I stayed in the Marriott 6th from the right, bordering Hyde Park.
A view from work out upon Sydney Central over Hyde Park. The opera house is the two white triangles poking out left of middle.
The deadliest snakes on Earth.
And Dory, maybe. But I can't remember.
I came home to cold, snow, layoffs, Christmas and the inevitable Russian New Year's Party.
Dasha lying around on the job instead of sledding.
Ira and Misha sure had fun.